RS Crum Community

Team Member Highlight
We would like to introduce you to RS Crum’s newest team member, Mitch Christensen. Mitch joins the team as an Associate Advisor. Let’s get to know him a bit…
How did you get into the industry?
After four years serving businesses and business owners as a CPA, I wanted to help clients reach their goals in a broader variety of financial areas. With RS Crum, I love that we help clients with all aspects of their financial life.
What have you gained from working at RSC?
I’ve gained a substantial amount of financial planning knowledge from the RSC partners, and an increased appreciation for the positive impact we make in our clients’ lives.
What are your favorite books?
My top 3 favorite books are The Second Mountain by David Brooks, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, and Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court by John Wooden
What would your superpower be?
I would want to see the future.
What would you do with $10,000 in lottery winnings?
I would donate half of the winnings to CHOC, where my wife works. Then I would invest the rest exactly according to RS Crum’s investment models.
If you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring?
A boat will a full tank of fuel, the instruction manual of said boat, and a map.
If you were an animal what would you be?
A golden retriever that lives with a suburban family.
What is your favorite quote, motto or personal mantra?
Two quotes from John Wooden have stuck with me:
“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”
“Be most interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way.”
Any random facts you could share with us? Something that would surprise others or a hidden talent?
I used to be able to dunk a basketball on a regulation hoop, and I can still touch the rim. I’m also a novice guitar player.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to play games with my son, read, and go on walks with my wife.
Any favorite movie/show?
Psych and Brooklyn 99 are my favorite shows right now. The Prestige is one of my favorite movies.
Who are your favorite sports teams?
The Portland Trailblazers, Anaheim Angels (not the Los Angeles Angels), and any UCLA team.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would go back to Negril, Jamaica, where my wife and I went on our honeymoon.

Eagle Scout Journey
My son Garrett recently completed his Eagle Scout service project. He constructed two raised plant gardens for a planned extension of the kindergarten yard of a local elementary school. Such a project is difficult enough to achieve in “normal” times. Making it happen during a pandemic necessitated perseverance, creativity, and a little luck.
The Scout Law is what is ingrained into all Scouts throughout their entire journey. Scouts are taught to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. They embody the tenets that create strong moral character and leadership in a world that desperately needs leaders.
The most difficult requirement for an Eagle Scout – the highest rank in Scouting – is to plan, lead, and execute an Eagle Scout service project. Becoming an Eagle is a rare achievement; only about 4% of Scouts achieve it. The service project is intended to be an activity that benefits a religious institution, school, or the community. One of the primary purposes of the Eagle Scout service project is to learn or improve leadership skills that are acquired through the experiences they have in Scouting. Related to this are important lessons in project management, team building, and taking responsibility for a significant accomplishment. The planning involved for an Eagle project is extensive and there are several levels of reviews and approvals along the way. These reviews are normally done in-person but needed to be conducted via Zoom meetings due to pandemic restrictions.
One interesting thing about Eagle projects is that the financing needed for the project must be generated by a fundraiser or donations. Garrett plays the saxophone and decided to perform a solo concert for his fundraiser. Due to pandemic restrictions, a virtual concert was performed live via Facebook and a link was provided on YouTube to those who could not join. He raised $2,704, significantly more than his original projected cost. Any excess funds are donated to the beneficiary of the project.
The pandemic continued to introduce additional complications. Redwood was in short supply and delayed the start of construction. Finally, in late November, Garrett and a small group of Scouts met at a carpentry shop to build the two planter boxes amidst the impending tightening of pandemic restrictions in California. Construction plans had to be reworked and consolidated to comply with the new restrictions.
In another setback, the original elementary school chosen as the beneficiary was unable to take delivery of the planter boxes due to Covid restrictions. The two garden boxes sat in our backyard for three months until Garrett sought out a new beneficiary.
On March 12th, the boxes were transported to Los Alamitos Elementary School along with soil and plants. A small work party of Scouts led by Garrett filled the boxes with soil. The plants were positioned and labels were installed to identify each plant. The garden boxes were officially presented to Gary Willems, principal of Los Alamitos Elementary School, on March 31st along with a check for $1,094.92. The beautiful gardens can now be used as a teaching tool and enjoyed by students and teachers.
On April 21stt, Garrett successfully passed the Eagle Scout Board of Review after discussing his project, his Scouting journey, his plans for the future and how he might give back to Scouting and to the community. He was then elevated to the rank of Eagle Scout via one last Zoom meeting surrounded by his proud parents and two surviving grandparents.
Congratulations to Garrett! My Eagle has landed. I can’t wait to watch him soar!

Celebrating 25 Years with RS Crum!
Congratulations to Dan Sexton who celebrates 25 years with RS Crum in April! When asked to reflect on 25 years Dan had this to say, “I have been blessed. We have great clients and I get to work with an awesome team. I didn’t know what a financial advisor was when I started and to build a career where I am challenged and to become a partner, I couldn’t ask for more.” Our team celebrated this milestone with cake, surprises, and a (long) walk down memory lane.

Fundraising February
RS Crum helped support local schools in north Orange County last month by stepping up as a corporate sponsor for Fundraising February on behalf of the Los Alamitos Education Foundation (LAEF). As an executive member of the LAEF Board, Jon Theriault helped lead one of four teams in generating donations that ultimately surpassed LAEF’s goals by a significant margin.
In addition to raising funds, LAEF honored Dr. Gregg Stone as their King for 2021. Dr. Stone is the current principal of Los Alamitos High School and was a well-deserving recipient of this award following his willingness to come out of retirement to lead the high school through an extraordinarily challenging year.
LAEF is the trusted partner through which the community engages with the Los Alamitos Unified School District to measurably improve student achievement results. LAEF provides both significant funding to the district in critical areas impacting all students, and educational enrichment opportunities for every student. Feel free to go visit for additional information.

Practicing Gratitude During Challenging Times
Gratitude allows us to reflect on the good during challenging times. Here at RS Crum, we asked our team to reflect on the past year and share what we have learned to appreciate during Covid. Here were our answers:
I learned to appreciate just how amazing our teachers and healthcare workers are.
I’ve never appreciated my time outdoors more than I do today. Never again will I underestimate the power of a little exercise and fresh air. OH, and paper goods.
I learned that safety and security are everything, and with the strength of my faith and family, this too shall pass
There was no shortage of beer!
I learned to appreciate the value of in-person schooling along with the sports, music, and other activities that truly enrich our kids’ lives. It’s one of the many things that we took for granted and I can’t wait to have my family experience them again.
During the pandemic I came to appreciate the importance of personal relationships and getting outside and exercising. It was a blessing for me to be able to spend time during the day with my wife and my kids, especially since my daughter was heading off to college. I also learned to appreciate playing tennis with my friends, especially when I walked by the locked tennis courts for several months.
Time! In our everyday life, we are always rushing around, it was nice to have time to slow down and be with my kids! I realized that time is not promised to any of us. As difficult as this time is in so many ways, it makes you stop and appreciate the little things in life that might otherwise be taken for granted.
I have appreciated the benefits of spending time outdoors and maintaining strong connections with close friends.
Things I appreciate…
1. Ability to continue working and help our clients
2. Close family, friends and loved ones remain healthy.
3. Getting together with family, friends and loved ones. Since I/we have not been able to do so, as freely.
Things I learned…
1. You really can watch everything on Netflix. It only takes a global pandemic and a healthy concern for my own safety.

Reflecting on 2020
By Jon Theriault, MBA, CKA®, CFP®
There are dozens of directions I could take my thoughts when reflecting on the past year given the array of external developments and challenges that were unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime. But instead of looking outside of our business, I would like to look inward and share the genuine appreciation and admiration I have for our team here at RS Crum.
When news of the Coronavirus broke last year, we were faced with not only navigating a massive fear-based selloff across global stock markets, but also with the challenge of simultaneously figuring out how to take care of our clients and employees and do so while needing to adapt our business immediately.
The list of what occurred thereafter is long and impressive, but it was all due to the personal efforts, flexibility, and professionalism of our team.
Let me start with Terry, Lynne, and Doug. Despite the circumstances, Terry handled hundreds of client conversations last year with the same kind and reassuring demeanor she always has. As we all shifted to working remotely, Lynne made sure the back office of our business was never disrupted and helped make sure our IT and security protocols remained in place.
Doug was brilliant in dealing with the most complex and concentrated trading volume our firm has ever seen. His countless hours and extraordinary attention to detail enabled us to execute in ways that are difficult to quantify here but will forever be appreciated.
The work of Terry, Lynne and Doug are at the foundation of what we do, and contribute greatly to why our clients are successful, so I cannot say thank you enough for their commitment and support.
Pat, Hanna, and Mitch also need to be celebrated. Pat stepped up to provide numerous clients with assurance that their retirement plans remained in good standing despite such significant market volatility. Hanna helped us quickly adapt our client communication strategies and platforms such that we could communicate important messages in a scalable way. And our newest advisor, Mitch, made the inspiring decision to join RS Crum in July despite all that was going on around us.
And finally, let me say thank you to my business partners, Dan, and Mark. I truly appreciate the professionalism and decisiveness they calmly exhibited throughout our most challenging year by far. Our collective effort to make sure all clients were contacted, all investment strategies were consistently applied, all new company policies were implemented, and all our employees were supported, is something each of us should take a moment to appreciate.
It is an honor to be partners with two extremely talented professionals and dear friends, that I can trust implicitly.
Thank you, team.
Now let us prepare to navigate whatever 2021 has in store for us.

Helping Those in Need
2020 has been a year like no other. Everyone has been affected by the Coronavirus in some fashion and the experience reminds us of the blessings we have in our lives.
With that in mind, we thought it important to share those blessings this Holiday Season. RS Crum has made a donation to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County on behalf of all our clients.
This donation will provide meals for 60,000 hungry children, seniors and families.
This would not be possible without our clients continued support and trust.

Our Newest Addition has a New Addition!
The RS Crum family is growing again! Mitch’s son, Grayson, was born in September 2020. Almost three months later, Grayson is learning how to use his voice and is starting to find his hands and feet. Right now his favorite activities are smiling at his mom and staring at the lit-up Christmas tree.

RS Crum’s Holiday Celebration!
The RS Crum team had a wonderful time celebrating another successful year with a white elephant gift exchange, and lunch at the Pelican Grill in Newport Beach.
Wishing you holidays filled with fun and laughter, and very best wishes for a prosperous 2020.

Celebrating the BEST Bosses on Boss’s Day
October 16th was Boss’s Day and we took advantage of the opportunity to celebrate Dan, Mark and Jon! We may be a bit biased, but we think we have the best bosses in OC! One day simply isn’t enough to recognize how much you three mean to the team.
We appreciate all that you do, today and everyday!

The RS Crum Team can Cook!
RS Crum spent a day expanding our skill set with an Italian cooking class! We broke into two teams and prepared a four dishes for the other team. We had a wonderful time learning to make our own pastas, accompanying sauces and (most importantly) desserts! A great day spent with an even better team.
Special thanks to the excellent chefs at Tspoons in San Juan Capistrano for spending the day with us, we had a blast!

State of the District Breakfast
Jon and his wife Kirsten recently attended the annual State of the District breakfast for the award winning Los Alamitos Unified School District, where RS Crum co-sponsored the event for a second consecutive year. Jon and Kirsten’s children currently attend three different schools in the district (elementary, middle, and high school). Jon actively serves as a board member for the Los Alamitos Education Foundation (LAEF) and he and Kirsten are founding members of the Los Al Leadership Circle (LALC), which is a growing group of local donors that share a passion for education, children, and their community.

Jon & Dan Celebrate 10 Years of FPA!
At this month’s FPA quarterly education meeting, Jon and Dan had a fun surprise. They were mentioned for their FPA membership milestone!
Congratulations to our very own, for this exciting anniversary. 10 years of involvement in the Financial Planning Association is something worth celebrating!

The Results Are In!
After 30 days of tracking our steps, the RS Crum summer step competition has officially come to an end! Both teams broke over 1 million steps, however, team “Between a Walk and a Hard Pace” won with just over 1.3 million steps!
While we all had a blast, I think it’s safe to say, we’re not too upset to see it end, it’s recovery time.
Congrats to both teams!

Introducing Our Summer Intern
Meet Alan, RS Crum’s intern for the 2019 summer. Alan recently completed his sophomore year at Virginia Tech, a double major in Business Information Technology and Finance with a CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) emphasis. An Irvine native, Alan is back home and will be joining us this summer on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Fun Fact: Alan has been playing Men’s Volleyball for 6 years!

Summer Step Competition
We understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; the healthier you are, the more you’ll thrive both personally and professionally.
With little psychical strain, no expense and great benefits, walking is one of the easiest ways to get outside and stay active; so this month, we’re stepping up our game. We decided that a 30-day step competition was just the right way for us to start summer on the right foot. We’ve separated into two teams and from June 10 – July 8 we will be battling it out to see who can get the most steps in.
Alright RS Crum, let’s get stepping!

Never Stop Learning
May was a month filled with continued education for the RS Crum team. Whether here in Orange County, at the FPA quarterly education meeting, or in Texas for the NAPFA conference, the RS Crum advisory team was sure to spend extra time gaining valuable industry knowledge this month. Both conferences brought new and bright perspectives into the office.
To ensure that we remain well-versed and current in comprehensive financial planning, we are sure to place a great significance on the importance of growth and education. With the ever-changing financial landscape, continuous education is critical for us to continue scanning the horizon for matters that may affect you and your goals.

Dreams Do Come True!
It’s been an eventful season for Terry Zertuche’s daughter, Alexis! Earlier this year, Alexis’ high school dance team traveled to Orlando, Florida for the Worlds Dance Team Championship, ranking in both of their routines. More recently, she tried out for the dance team at her future university. After two days of rigorous tryouts, and a series of interviews, Alexis has officially been invited to join the D1 dance team at Grand Canyon University. Out of 70 girls that tried out for the GCU Dance Team, only 7 talented girls made it, congratulations Alexis!

Team Member Highlight
We would like to introduce you to RS Crum’s newest team member, Hanna Kaufman. Hanna recently graduated with her BS in Personal Finance from the University of Wisconsin and joins the team as an Associate Advisor. Let’s get to know her a bit…
How did you get into the industry?
I’ve watched those around me ride the waves of financial distress throughout my life, and it has sparked my desire to shelter others from that hardship. I love the idea of helping others meet their personal and financial goals through improved financial literacy.
What is your favorite quote, motto or personal mantra?
“Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.” I am a firm believer that we are in charge of our own destiny.
What are you passionate about (outside of work)?
It’s hard to choose just one thing I am passionate about, so I’ll list a few… Family, health and wellness and animals!
Any random facts you could share with us? Something that would surprise others or a hidden talent?
I once took first place in a figure skating competition.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
My boyfriend and I love to get outdoors to explore as much as possible, whether that be hiking, sightseeing or just watching the sunset by the pier. We are still adjusting to sunny winters and are having a blast exploring our new home here in Orange County – so, recommendations are always welcome!
Any favorite movie/show?
Déjà Vu…or anything with Denzel Washington in it.
Who are your favorite sports teams?
Badgers and Packers! I will always be a Wisconsin girl at heart.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would absolutely love to visit New Zealand; more specifically, South Island as it seems to have a great blend of opportunities for relaxation as well as cultural exploration.

Mentor Breakfast
Jon Theriault was recently invited to attend the Los Alamitos High School Mentor Breakfast where members of the local community having diverse career backgrounds volunteered their time to meet with students looking to learn more about all kinds of professions. This was Jon’s second time serving as a mentor and he thoroughly enjoyed the morning given his passion for education and helping kids within his local community. Go Griffins!

New Year, New You
The new year is a reset of sorts. A time to reflect on the previous year and plan for the next year. Many people use this time to set New Year resolutions – a promise to themselves to change in one way or another. Here are some of your team’s goals (or resolutions) for 2019. Have some of your own? We’d love to see them and help support your success!
- Find a new organization to volunteer with
- Spend less time on my cell phone at night
- Learn an instrument
- Refine my meditation practice
- Touch my toes
- Embrace and enjoy the present moment (don’t worry so much about the future)
- Practice yoga every morning before I start my day
- Read at least one book per month
- Have more fun and travel
- Give a compliment or a random act of kindness to someone every day
- Wake up 30 minutes earlier every day to enjoy the morning air and read devotionals
- Walk 8,000-10,000 steps per day
- Go paperless
- Organize all documents for my wife (in case anything should ever happen to me)

Adopt a Family
Around the holidays, over 2,000 children are adopted by local donors through Families Forward, and provided with gifts for the holidays. This year our team came together to adopt three families through Families Forward – an Orange County non-profit which helps the homeless in need achieve and maintain self-sufficiency through housing, food, counseling, education, and other support services. Because everyone deserves a joyous holiday season.

‘Bring Your Dog To Work Day’
On October 19th, the office was a little more… pup-tastic! Ella joined the RS Crum team and “helped out” around the office. She spent her day greeting guests and trying to make her way on to Terry’s lap. Be sure to swing by the next time we have an extra team member!

Never Stop Learning
Jon recently attended the XY Planning Network annual conference for advisors in St. Louis, MO. The XY Planning Network (also known as XYPN) is a growing organization of fee-only financial advisors who specialize in helping members within the Gen X and Gen Y age groups. The conference provided for interesting speakers, continuing education courses, an entire afternoon devoted to learning more about new technology applications, and an opportunity to meet and share best practice ideas with other advisors based across the country.

Sons of the American Revolution
Dan was recently inducted into the Orange County chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. To be a member the applicant must document that lineal ancestor provided service to the cause of American Independence. Dan’s patriot ancestor is Timothy Sexton, his five times Great Grandfather. Timothy enlisted in the Continental Army in 1777, where he served in the New Jersey 3rd Regiment. The Sons of the American Revolution is a charitable organization that promotes to extend and maintain the institutions of American Freedom, an appreciation of patriotism, respect of our national symbols and the value of American citizenship. Dan is happy and proud to be a part of this distinguished group.

Congratulations Jon!
We would like to congratulate Jon Theriault for his recent appointment to the Board of Directors for the Los Alamitos Education Foundation (LAEF). LAEF is an independent, non-profit organization providing enrichment classes and extraordinary educational experiences that benefit every student, at every level, in every school in the Los Alamitos Unified School District. Jon will serve on the Board’s Finance and Fundraising Committees and is very much looking forward to the opportunity to support his community and local schools. Learn more at

RSC Helping Families Forward
RS Crum proudly supports Families Forward with strategic investment management. Our contribution helps them provide local homeless children with places to live.
Too many children in Orange County don’t know where they will live from day to day. Official reports say more than 28,000 students in grades K-12 have unstable housing.
Each year Families Forward helps hundreds of families by providing safety-net services to more than 11,500 homeless and low-income individuals. Our support helps these parents find a stable home and take care of their family again.

2018 Wealth & Money Management Award Winner
RS Crum was named as a 2018 Wealth & Money Management award winner. The Wealth & Finance awards are dedicated to rewarding and celebrating the hard work and dedication of those working in this vast industry, from asset managers to financial planners.
To learn more about the award winners and to gain insight into the working practices of the “best of the best”, please visit the Wealth & Finance website ( where you can access the winners supplement.

Team Member Highlight
Today we highlight one of the partners and advisors at RS Crum, Jon Theriault. Lets learn a little bit more about him…
What have you gained from working at RSC?
I have gained tremendous respect and appreciation for the value of working well together as a team.
What is your favorite part of the job?
I love helping people understand and improve their relationship with money. This carries over to their most important relationships in life and is very rewarding to me.
What is your favorite quote, motto or personal mantra?
The golden rule.
What are you passionate about?
Living life well and serving others.
Any random facts you could share with us? Something that would surprise others or a hidden talent?
I was once a scratch golfer…a long, long time ago.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I enjoy watching my kids do anything they’re passionate about.
Any favorite movie/show?
I’m a Star Wars and Seinfeld guy.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I’d go back to Bellagio/Lake Como in Italy with my wife. Simply amazing.
Who are your favorite sports teams?
Rams, Angels, Lakers and anything related to the Arizona Wildcats (go Cats!)
If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
My father. I lost him at a young age, and a chance to ask him some questions would mean the world to me.
If you were an animal what would you be?
I’d be a dog. No creature seems to enjoy life more, nor get more attention from my wife.
What would you do with $10,000 in lottery winnings?
I’d have my wife and kids help me determine which charity to support first, then determine which island in Hawaii to fly to!

Economics 101 – Round 2
In an effort to support UCI’s Center for Investment and Wealth Management (CIWM), Ashley Bleckner taught Economics to the students attending this year’s Investments, Financial Planning and You (IFPY) program. IFPY is designed to educate high school students on financial literacy. The proceeds of the program help support the CIWM LIFEvest Financial Literacy Program for under-served youth. Interested in learning more? Let us know!

RS Crum Named in Top RIAs for 2018
We are honored to announce that Financial Advisor Magazine listed RS Crum as a top Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) nationwide for 2018. RIAs are advisory firms with a fiduciary duty to their clients, which means that they have a fundamental obligation to always act in the best interest of their clients.
RS Crum is proud to be a fee-only RIA for over 40 years, free of the conflicts of interest associated with commission based products (insurance, annuities, etc.).

Top Priority: Financial Literacy for All
RS Crum is a proud Charter Board Member of the UCI Center for Investment and Wealth Management (CIWM), supporting the LIFEvest Financial Literacy Program. The Summer Residential Program educates deserving, under-served teens each year by teaching life skills & money management in a highly supportive environment. The goal is to instill a continued desire to strengthen understanding of financial matters, encourage admission into a four-year college or university, and to inspire confidence and success in all areas of life.

RS Crum Named in Top RIAs for 2018
We are honored to announce that the Orange County Business Journal listed RS Crum as a top Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) for 2018. RIAs provide financial and investment advice (relative to a broker of security transactions) and are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
RS Crum is proud to be a fee-only RIA for over 40 years, free of the conflicts of interest associated with commission based products (insurance, annuities, etc.).

Blue Devil Graduate!
Doug Jankowski’s daughter, Amanda, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude from Duke University, with a double major in Sociology and Global Health. She won the 2018 Ida Harper Simpson Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research. The Department of Sociology presents this award, named after an emerita professor, to the sociology major writing the best senior thesis. Amanda also received the Michael Merson Undergraduate Student Leadership Award in Global Health, which recognizes a graduating global health undergraduate major student who has excelled in the classroom and in fieldwork, and has demonstrated a strong commitment to global health and health equity through extracurricular activities and leadership.
Amanda will be spending the next 2 years working as a Clinical Research Coordinator with the Cancer Outcomes Research Program (CORe) at Massachusetts General Hospital. CORe conducts innovative research and educational programs to improve the experience and outcomes of patients and caregivers across the continuum of cancer care.

National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
Jon Theriault recently attended the NAPFA Spring 2018 National Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is the country’s leading professional association of Fee-Only financial advisors. RS Crum has a long history and involvement with NAPFA going back to the mid 1980’s, and these conferences provide an opportunity to reconnect and share ideas with other fiduciaries and thought leaders from all over the country.

Life Long Learners
We believe knowledge is empowering. To that value, RS Crum’s Ashley Bleckner went into the community and participated in an educational series at the Laguna Niguel Sea Country Center. She taught the eager students (of all ages) about equities and how it can relate to the overall financial picture. Following the session, she opened it up to questions on anything (and everything) financially related. It was a wonderful engaged audience with great questions.
Interested in participating in an educational session? Let us know by emailing us at

Financial Planning Association (FPA) Conference
The RS Crum team attends conferences each year to continue learning, evolving, and “transforming lives through the power of financial planning.” Ashley Bleckner recently participated in the 2018 Financial Planning Association’s Annual Retreat. Numerous topics were discussed at the conference – everything from market outlooks to suggestions on having better conversations with clients.
We strive to serve our clients better and better each year.

Team Member Highlight
Want to know more about everyone’s favorite Director of Financial Planning? Today we highlight Pat Stark, Advisor and Director of Financial Planning at RS Crum…
What have you gained from working at RSC?
I’ve met some incredibly successful people – clients, colleagues, co-workers – and I’ve been fortunate to learn so much from them.
What is your favorite part of your job?
Breaking down complex topics in ways that can be easily understood by our clients. And then seeing our clients make good decisions based on the work that I’ve done.
What is your favorite quote, motto or personal mantra?
It’s known in some circles as the serenity prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
What are you passionate about?
My family, listening to my son (Garrett) play the saxophone, exercising, reading, helping people in need.
What is something that would surprise us about you?
I grew up in a small town called Paradise. It’s about 90 miles north of Sacramento.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love being outdoors – running, biking, swimming, hiking.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Wherever my wife wants to go.
Who are your favorite sports teams?
Any favorite shows?
I’m really dating myself here, but my favorite TV show of all time is MASH.
What is your favorite type of music?
Classic rock.
If you could have lunch with one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
Jimmy Page.

‘Bring Your Child To Work Day’ – Round 2
The RS Crum team hosted their 2nd “Bring Your Child (or Dog) to Work Day” with Kate Theriault, Jon’s daughter, as our “Boss” for the day. Kate started the afternoon off by holding an all staff meeting and helping us make some important decisions – including what treats we would enjoy that afternoon (we went with ice cream sundaes). She spent the day helping the team (by adding to our desk art collection) and learning about what we do at RS Crum.

Never Stop Learning
Members of the RS Crum advisory team were in attendance for the Financial Planning Associations first quarter education conference. Andy Policano, former Dean of The Paul Merage School of Business, was the keynote of the day speaking on the prognosis for future economic growth.
In the evolving financial industry, it is important for us to never stop learning so we may continue scanning the horizon for issues that may affect you and your goals.

Thank YOU
We are grateful for our clients, partners, and team members who make our work worth doing. So, thank you.
As we continue to grow from your support, keep an eye out for what we are “building” next at RS Crum.

Team Member Highlight
Today we highlight one of the partners and advisors at RS Crum, Dan Sexton. Put your seatbelts on…
What have you gained from working at RSC?
More than I can quantify. But, if I had to narrow it down, I’d say:
- A career that I’m passionate about where I help clients solve problems and find solutions
- An extended family in the people I work with and the clients I serve
What is your favorite quote, motto or personal mantra?
The Litany Against Fear from Frank Herbert’s book Dune. I used to say it to myself when public speaking.
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about learning new things through books, pod casts, conversations… any means. I crave knowledge. Whether it’s about financial freedom or the Spanish Flu, I’m interested.
What is a hidden talent?
According to my wife and daughter, I can turn any song into a show tune.
Also, as a kid I was the (self-taught) drummer in a garage band. Rock and roll.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Movies, books, and my family/friends are big into games.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would love to take my family to see the night sky unobscured by the lights of the modern world. Arctic & telescopes anyone?
Who are your favorite sports teams?
I stay local – go Ducks and Angels!
Any favorite shows?
Game of Thrones! No question.
If you could have lunch with one person (dead or alive) who would it be? What would you eat?
I’d have fried chicken with a baked potato (complete with parmesan cheese and bacon bits) across the table from Benjamin Franklin. It would be fascinating to meet such a brilliant man – founding father, inventor, scientist. What didn’t he do? And, we’d finish our captivating conversation with carrot cake!

A Day for Others
As most of America recently enjoyed Girl Scout Cookie season, Jon Theriault and his son Nick supported the cause by volunteering to help load hundreds of cookie boxes into cars during their region’s cookie distribution day. Nick worked hard to help support his sister, Kate, and his mom, Kirsten (who happens to be the troop leader). The Theriault family are big supporters of the Girl Scouts of America and all the wonderful life lessons this organization provides for our youth. RS Crum likewise supported the cause by actively participating in the consumption aspect of the cookie program, perhaps too much.

‘Be the Change’ You Want to See in the World
‘Be the Change,’ a local group started by students of Santa Margarita, recently completed their 5th annual fundraiser. Partnering with the Boys & Girls Club and the homeless shelters of Orange County, the group uses donations to host a holiday celebration for homeless children, and provides each of them with a special gift.
To put on the holiday celebration, Be the Change hosts a fundraising (gift raising) event at Build a Bear workshop where families and companies can make donations to the cause. This past year, they received donations of over 150 bears.
Terry Zertuche & family have been involved with the holiday fundraiser for the past 5 years. Her daughter Alexis is Vice President this year and is looking forward to continued success going forward. RS Crum was honored to be a sponsor for this year’s event.

Jon Theriault Recognized at Masters Lunch
RS Crum team members regularly attend the quarterly Masters Lunch in Orange County with other professionals. Each meeting covers a specific topic. The final 2017 event focused on “Discovering Emotional Intelligence” with Bill Vorhies. We learned a great deal about effective communication.
At the meeting, RS Crum’s own Jon Theriault was honored for his emotional intelligence and commitment to his clients. Congratulations, Jon. We are proud of you (but, not surprised).

Team Member Highlight
Client service extraordinaire by day, role model and mother by night. Today we highlight Terry Zertuche, RS Crum’s Client Service Manager.
What have you gained from working at RSC?
I have found meaningful relationships both internally and externally at RS Crum. And, in fact, this is my favorite part of the job. I’m grateful for my daily interactions with such wonderful individuals and families.
What is your favorite quote, motto or personal mantra?
“Treat others the way you want to be treated.” I reinforce this concept to my children regularly.
What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about children. I enjoy investing my time in them as they are our future.
What is a hidden talent?
I was a tap dancer as a child (and, she even showed us some moves!)
What do you like to do in your spare time?
My favorite past time is cheering on my kids at dance competitions and baseball games.
Any favorite movie?
It’s a tie between The King and I & The Wizard of Oz.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Greece. I’ve always wanted to explore the beauty and history Greece holds.
Who are your favorite sports teams?
Dodgers, Cowboys, and Lakers!
If you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring?
My children, Mexican food, and a lounge chair for beach living.

Always Be Prepared
The pictures are heartbreaking as entire neighborhoods were burned beyond recognition in the city of Santa Rosa and surrounding towns. This got RS Crum thinking. How would we react if the news came that a fire was heading in our direction (or any disaster for that matter)? How would we respond professionally and personally? So, we reviewed our disaster plan and asked Drew Downing, Health Disaster Manager with Orange County, to share personal and business disaster planning tools/tips.
Drew highlighted that planning for a disaster is no different from other measures you take to protected yourself, your family and clients from potential hardship. Preparing for a disaster does take small investment of time and money. But, even a very basic plan could one day save you and those you care about from ruin. Let us know if you want to learn more.

RS Crum Supporting Under-Served Youth
The RS Crum team worked with the Center for Investment and Wealth Management (CIWM) at the University of California Irvine (UCI) on the Financial Literacy Summer Residential Program. The LIFEvest residential program is a one-week, on-campus program dedicated to helping under-served incoming 9th and 10th grade students by teaching life skills & money management in a highly supportive environment. The mission is to instill a continued desire to strengthen understanding of financial matters, encourage admission into a four-year college or university, and to inspire confidence and success in all areas of life. RS Crum is proud to be a Charter Board Member of the CIWM and highly involved with the LIFEvest program. Learn more about the center and programs here or check out a video from the 2017 Girls Week and the 2017 Boys Week.

Life’s Next Chapter
Terry Zertuche’s son, Gustavo, graduated this Spring from Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita. Gustavo is highly motivated in his studies and extra-curricular activities. Involved on the varsity baseball team, a member of Model UN, part of the International Baccalaureate program (graduated with full IB diploma), and the drummer for his church’s worship team, any school would be lucky to have him as part of the student body. From Orange County to West Lafayette, Gustavo elected to accept the offer from Purdue University. He will be heading East this Fall to follow his interest in Aerospace Engineering.
Good luck, Gustavo. Enjoy the Midwest. We will miss you here on the West coast.

Economics 101
Ashley Bleckner supported the UCI Center for Investment and Wealth Management (CIWM) by teaching Economics to this year’s Investments, Financial Planning and You (IFPY) students. IFPY is a summer program designed for highly motivated high school students who wish to gain a deep understanding of investments and financial planning. The proceeds of the program help support the CIWM LIFEvest Financial Literacy Program.

2017 Pacific Youth of the Year
Dan Sexton and Ashley Bleckner were honored to be in attendance at the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2017 Pacific Youth of the Year celebration. Dan & Ashley watched as the nine exceptional Pacific Youth of the Year finalists shared their stories for a chance to win a $40,000 college scholarship and the opportunity to compete in the National Youth of the Year event in Washington D.C. this September.
The honor went to Cassidy, a 10-year member of the Boys & Girls Club of Magic Valley. Cassidy shared, “My journey as a Club member has given me a purpose and sense of acceptance that I never had as a child. The opportunity I’ve been given to lead and mentor Club members is the most incredible honor and truly is my greatest joy.” Congratulations Cassidy!

Referee of the Year
Congratulations to Doug Jankowski for being honored as the 2016-2017 Referee of the Year!
Doug spends many of his Saturdays volunteering as a referee for the American Youth Soccer Organization in Tustin. He has been volunteering for AYSO as a coach and referee since 2000.
He acknowledges that at times his efforts go unappreciated. And, controlling what’s off the field can be more of a challenge than what’s on the field. Nevertheless he enjoys being out there applying the laws of the game and making it a safe environment for the kids.

Jon Takes His Team to Play With Others
Jon recently led his son’s baseball team and a group of 60+ kids from their league to spend a Saturday morning helping children with disabilities. Champions League is a parent and volunteer run organization that helps bring baseball to children with special needs. The boys helped their new friends hit, play defense, and run the bases. This is the fourth year Jon and his son Nick have been involved with Champions League and rest assured, everyone was a winner.

Bucket List: Dan Takes on Africa
Dan and his family spent eight days exploring the wildlife preserves of Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. He has told everyone who has asked, and many who didn’t, that whatever preconceived idea you may have of what an African safari would be like is wrong. It is so much better than you can imagine. More beautiful, more majestic…more awesome. The people were warm and friendly, but most amazing were the animals. They were so close! There were several occasions where if he fell out of the truck, he would have been lunch.
The Sexton’s were there during the Great Migration where wildebeests, zebras, cape buffalo, gazelles and many more dot the landscape in the tens of thousands. They managed to see the “Big Five” of Tanzania (Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Lion, Leopard, and Rhino) and many, many more.

Ashley Stood For the Public in Meetings with State Legislators
Ashley Bleckner focused on the community March 7th at our state capitol building in Sacramento, California for the Financial Planning Association’s Advocacy Day. The day was spent meeting with various State Senators and Assembly Members who represent districts in Orange County. The focus was to develop relationships & act as a resource for State Legislators while promoting client protection and the fiduciary standard (requirement for advisors to work in the client’s best interest at all times). We are committed to helping our clients and the public in a variety of different dimensions.

Financial Planning Association Volunteer of the Quarter
Ashley Bleckner was awarded FPAOC Volunteer of the Quarter at the February 15th Education Meeting. Ashley has shared her time on a number of FPA initiatives, including participation on the Allied Professional Committee and the Membership Committee.
Most proudly, Ashley has been involved with Financial Planning Day sponsored by the FPAOC where she provides free one-on-one counseling & classroom-style education to those who may not have the opportunity or resources to discuss pressing financial issues with competent & ethical financial planners.
Way to go Ashley!

Helping the Girl Scouts of OC Learn About Goals & Money
On Sunday January 15th, Ashley Bleckner joined the Girl Scouts of Orange County at the Bren Center (UCI) for the annual Cookie Rally with the intention of helping to empower over 1,000 girls with confidence, tools and resources for success. The young women in attendance had the opportunity to learn valuable skills that will help them throughout their lives and careers.
There were many training stations for the Girl Scouts to visit, such as Cookie Talk: Communication Skills , Cookie Plan: Goal Setting, and Cookie Money: How to Make Change, to name of few. Ashley spent the afternoon engaging with the girls at the “Cookie Plan” station. At which, conversations revolved around setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Based) and having fun.
And best yet, everyone in attendance had the opportunity to sample each of the cookies (YUM)!

Jon Theriault has become a Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA®)
Kingdom Advisors ( provides advocacy, training, and community for financial professionals who are specialists in offering biblically wise advice.
As a member of Kingdom Advisors since 2014, Jon received his certification as a Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA®) last year. The CKA® designation distinguishes Jon as an experienced wealth management professional who has pursued an integration of his work and faith to the highest credentialed level available.
Jon is passionate about teaching and living out the biblical principles of stewardship, as evidenced by his willingness to regularly volunteer to teach financial management classes and provide advice through his local church, schools and community.

Time Marches On.. And, it Marched Right Over Dan as He Turned 50
RS Crum’s most tenured employee, Mr. Dan Sexton, celebrated his momentous 50th birthday this December 7th. The birthday week began with his wife throwing him a surprise party with family & friends in attendance – it was a great success (he was bamboozled)!
At the office, Dan was greeted with bagpipes, balloons, & an office wrapped up like a present. And after a day of celebration, the RS Crum team finished with a big slice of carrot cake.
To top the occasion, Dan and his family will be making a bucket list trip to Africa in 2017.

Stark vs. Theriault: On the Field
Ali vs Frazier? USC vs UCLA? Move over and make room for the new biggest rivalry in town: Stark vs Theriault. The battle for RS Crum Champion took place not in the office, but on the football field under Friday Night Lights. Jon Theriault‘s and Pat Stark‘s sons, Nick and Garrett, played each other in a flag football league match. The competitive banter loomed large in the days running up to the contest. Who won? Jon can’t recall, but Pat would be happy to answer your inquiry.

Spooktober at RS Crum
Halloween was in full effect last month at RS Crum. If you stopped by the office, you may have noticed some decorations or a costume or two (looking at you Colonel Mustard). But, the biggest Spooktober surprise came when Dan Sexton secretly took the Halloween decorating to the next level – fully equipped with goblin juice and ghostly popcorn.
We can’t wait and see what Dan has up his sleeve come December.

The RS Crum Team Broadens Its Skill Set
The RS Crum team spent an afternoon at Tspoons, a unique cooking school in San Juan Capistrano. We broke into 2 groups with each group preparing a 4-course meal for the other. Instructions were only given once, so you had to be paying attention. The menu included stuffed zucchini, creamy corn chowder, brandy braised beef, & flourless chocolate cake. We had a wonderful time enjoying good food and great people.

RS Crum has ‘Bring Your Child (or Dog) To Work Day’
On October 11th, the RS Crum team hosted Rebecca Theriault, Jon’s 9 year old daughter, as our VIP “Boss” for the day. After inspecting her new business cards, Rebecca started the morning by holding an all staff meeting at the head of the table and helping us make some important decisions – including morning snacks (we went with doughnuts), how we should stock the Halloween candy bowl, and suggesting the hallways remain unobstructed for cartwheels. She spent the morning helping her dad and learning a lot more about what we do at RS Crum. She also drew some great new art for the office, so be sure to check it out next time you stop by.

Mark Rylance is now a Certified Financial Transitionist™ (CFT™)
For the past two years, Mark has been working with the Sudden Money Institute’s rigorous certification process to become a Certified Financial Transitionist™. Whether through an inheritance, the sale of a business, the loss of a loved one, or any major change, Mark now has the tools and the training to help people going through major transitional events and to help them make better decisions, and get better outcomes.
Traditional financial planning covers the bases when it comes to important topics such as investments, cash flow, taxes, and estate planning. But, that is only half of the experience of financial change. The other half is the human experience and embracing change.